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Why should I use Amazon seller tools?

Apr 5

There has been a significant change in Amazon's third-party seller landscape during the past five years. Now, there are approximately 10 million sellers worldwide from a few thousand just a few years ago. In order to meet the needs of Amazon's 300 million-plus customers, all of these sellers are interested in finding profitable, replenishable, and in-demand products. In an increasingly competitive market, where sellers are battling for market share, how can they differentiate themselves from their competitors and find ways to beat them?

As one of the major factors in the success of Amazon sellers, their ability to utilize seller tools to improve their business practices is one of the factors behind their success. From Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) to Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM), drop-shipping, private label to wholesale, and Amazon account management. Your business' potential can be unlocked, and your sales can be maximized using seller tools.

Our guide discusses the four major benefits of using seller tools, as well as the reasons why you should get started with them today. If you are looking for Amazon account management services to help you with seller tools, check out Urtasker. 

  • Calculations of profitability

For Amazon sellers, calculating the profitability of their products can be a complicated process. Taking into account the profit potential of any potential product, sellers should conduct proper calculations before sourcing or selling it. The true profitability of some products isn't known until you account for costs like product prices, shipping fees, and other service charges. 

In order to determine whether or not you are making a profit from your product, you will need to calculate the cost associated with selling it and compare it to the potential selling price. In some cases, you may find that you are losing money from selling a product that was once profitable. Afterward, it is important to repeat these steps for each product you intend to sell.

It has been found that profit calculators, like Amazon Revenue Calculators, are the most popular tool used to calculate profitability and profit margins. The site provides a tool for sellers to enter product identifiers (UPCs, ASINs, etc.) and packaging dimensions in order to find out their shipping fees and profit margins. Profits can be calculated for thousands of products in a fraction of the time with the revenue calculator and other similar seller tools. 

  • Inventories and sales forecast

Forecasting sales and accumulating sufficient inventory to maximize revenue are two difficult challenges that many sellers face. Stock, products, and things to sell are required in order to sell products on Amazon. What's not obvious is how to estimate how much to order? 

Purchasing too little inventory can lead to running out of inventory, which can lead to lost sales opportunities. When you order too much, Amazon's warehouses will store excess inventory that will simply collect dust and incur storage fees.

An effective forecasting tool can be of great assistance in this situation. In order to meet demand and optimize storage costs, forecasting needs to identify the optimal quantity of products to be produced. Prior to forecasting, sellers would have had to manually try to estimate sales in a methodical way. As soon as they order 'x' amount of items, they will see how well the product sells, and then they will reorder more products based on how customers reacted to the previous orders. This outdated method is unreliable, as it does not account for possible changes that would affect sales performance, and you will not be able to forecast accurately. Consider seasonality as well as time-sensitive products in forecasting as they have a great impact on this process.

As a way to conduct proper forecasting, lots of modern seller tools include sales estimations as a part of their main features. Estimates of sales offer sellers a tool for tracking the average daily sales of a product over the course of a quarter or year. Estimating sales over the coming 30 days enables sellers to reorder enough inventory to meet their estimates.

  • Analyses of competitors

It can take a very long time to find a product that will be profitable. It can take sellers hours, if not days, to find a single profitable product, from finding suppliers to calculating profit margins. 

Amazon sellers have developed a new marketing technique called "super targeting," which helps them significantly reduce the amount of time they spend researching products. By maximizing the competitors' efforts, "super targeting" streamlines the product research process. Many sellers are now communicating with each other to see which of their inventory they have and not starting their research from scratch.

What if you were to start looking to find a profitable product, but you weren't sure how to begin? Maybe you should look at another seller on Amazon instead of trying to calculate hundreds of products. All you have to do is view their profiles, take note of what they are selling, and then make your calculations. It is important to understand that if they are selling the product, this implies that it is a high-profit and high-demand product. You decide, rather than looking for a new product to sell, that you will sell the same product you currently sell. It is important to identify each competitor's suppliers, source the same products, and then commence taking orders from them.

  • Investing in your business and delegating tasks

There are some Amazon businesses that grow to such an extent that they begin to hire additional staff members. Incorporating more employees such as virtual assistance and warehouse employees may be the next logical step. Amazon sellers have a large number of responsibilities and tasks to accomplish; seller tools are a useful tool for them to delegate these tasks. Sellers can use tools to quickly train up new sales associates, show them how to use the tools, and accelerate the onboarding process.

Delegating tasks to others is a very valuable skill for business owners. In order to develop long-term strategies for your business, you must devote your time to leading your team and planning long-term business goals. If your company's resources are spent elsewhere, especially on tasks that anyone can perform, then you are wasting a lot of precious resources and, in many cases, will harm your cause.

Make sure that you think about smaller tasks, such as researching products calculating profit margins, and you might even be able to super target your competitors. If these tasks are delegated to another employee, the task, especially with tools that are used by sellers, can be carried out fairly quickly and effectively. Tools for sellers enable them to reclaim their valuable time and reinvest it into the growth and acceleration of their business than they were previously able to.


Using seller tools aims to maximize efficiency, productivity, and the potential of your business. It doesn't matter whether you sell on Amazon using old advertising methods and tricks, these are tested and work, so there is nothing wrong with doing so. In order to maximize your true potential and your success in business, you will need to use seller tools beyond just making your business better.